Two Minute Tuesdays - Table Top Tripods. Photo of a smart phone attached to a gorilla tripod twisted around a fence railing taking a photo at night

Two Minute Tuesday – Table Top Tripods

In this Two Minute Tuesday video, Welshot’s very own BossTog, Eifion Williams, showcases three different types of table top tripods that could help you with your photography.

If you want to get great advise on choosing the perfect tripod for you and your photography – Welshot recommends WEX Photo Video Leeds.

Whether you love tripods or you hate them, sometimes they are a MUST for your photography – Let us know in the comments below, how often do YOU use a tripod for your photography?

If you would like to know more about how Welshot can help YOU learn how to use your camera from the comfort of your own home – Check out Welshot Online

Two Minute Tuesdays - The Difference Between Pro vs Standard Lenses

In this Two Minute Tuesday’s video, Welshot’s very own BossTog explains the difference between pro lenses and standard (kit) lenses and the benefits of both.

If you would like to know more about how Welshot can help YOU learn how to use your camera from the comfort of your own home – Check out Welshot Online

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Welshot Does… Simply Studio – Understanding Studio Lighting In Episode Six from the Welshot Does… Simply Studio series Eifion Williams takes you through the different sorts of studio lighting that you could use.