How Moving To Olympus Could Help You With Your Photography


Eifion Williams



How To...

How Moving To Olympus Could Help You With Your Photography - Photo showing three ladies looking at the back of a screen on an Olympus camera in the Welshot Photographic Creative Hub

How Moving To Olympus Could Help You With Your Photography

Have you lost your photographic mojo? Fed up with lugging heavy camera systems around? That was me way back in 2014 and in this blog I am going to let you know how moving to Olympus could help you with your photography. My name is Eifion Williams and I am one part of the Welshot Photographic Academy – I have been taking photos for more years than I care to remember and have been teaching photography, officially, since 2009. Back in 2014 I lost all interest in my own personal photography and I failed to understand why. I just knew that photography was no longer fun on a personal level – in fact, it was a struggle! Turned out I’d had a heart attack and I needed a triple heart bypass but that is a whole other story...

Get Your Photographic Mojo Back

From the moment I was diagnosed I realised WHY I was no longer enjoying my photography, it all made perfect sense. I loved what I was doing, in my job at Welshot, the people I was helping, the photographic workshops we were running – but I didn’t have the ENERGY left for my own personal photography and it felt like I was missing out.

Changing Camera Systems

Lugging heavy, cumbersome, large cameras and lenses around was heavy hard work and it was sucking all the enjoyment out of my own photography, and I wanted to feel the thrill of taking photos again, whether that be street photography, capturing the action at the race track or working in a studio environment. So, without a second thought I sold all my Nikon cameras, all my lenses and bought into the the Olympus system lock, stock and barrel and I have never once looked back.

I am not the only one, ask anyone who has moved from other well known camera systems to the Olympus System and the first thing they will say is because it is so easy to handle, easy to use, easy to carry and it’s the best thing that they have ever done. At Welshot we constantly hear the delight about how much more enjoyable photography is now they have an easier to use, easier to manage, camera system.

The more you use your camera, the more exciting and enjoyable your photography becomes…

Eifion Williams
Photographic Educator & Reader of camera manuals for fun!
Specialist in the Olympus Camera Systems

So – How Moving To Olympus Could Help You With Your Photography

While the main reason for changing camera systems was the heavy, large and cumbersome cameras I was fed up lugging about, and the desperate need of wanting to get my personal photographic mojo back – there were many, many, other benefits that I was able to take advantage of by choosing Olympus. I am betting you will too.

The Benefits of Changing to Olympus

  • Lightweight and Portable (Giving you more freedom to be creative)
  • Powerful Image Stabilisation (Clear, sharp and vibrant images – even when handheld)
  • Non Intrusive (Perfect for the Street Photographer)
  • Pro Capture ( Works by continuously taking images when you half-press the shutter, but only saving them in temporary memory )
  • Interchangeable Lenses (Olympus Cameras will work with many Panasonic lenses and third party lenses such as Sigma, Samyang and Tamron)
  • Fast Shooting Rate
  • Live Composite ( An in-camera function that allows any number of images to be combined into one composite image. Only Olympus offer this feature)
  • Creative Features ( Check out the “Art Filters” which allows you to add various styles to your photos – including frames )
  • Super Control Panel Menu ( Speedy access to your most-wanted settings at your fingertips )
  • Built In Wi-Fi ( Transfer your photos from your camera to your phone or tablet in seconds )

Welshot – We Specialise In Olympus Camera Systems

How Welshot Can Help You

While Welshot is camera agnostic and it doesn’t matter what camera you use at our photographic events, courses and workshops, we do, however, specialise in the Olympus camera systems and we offer 1:1 tuition, help, support and guidance. If you are a Member of the Welshot Photographic Academy you do get a 4hr 1:1 tuition session included in your Welshot and Welshot PLUS Membership and we even write you a bespoke, personalised manual which you can take away with you and refer it to as often as required.

Get in touch with us if you need some help in getting to know your Olympus – and we will let you know how we can help you get the best from your camera.

How Moving To Olympus Could Help You With Your Photography - Photograph of Eifion Williams from the Welshot Photographic Academy giving a One to One tuition - Learn Your Olympus Camera

Eifion Williams

Photographer, Photographic Educator and Olympus System Specialist.

Please Note: While Welshot and Olympus have run events together in the past, Welshot is not affiliated to Olympus (nor any other camera manufacture or photographic equipment retailer) and we purchase (and pay for…) all our own cameras and photographic equipment.

  1. Sue Mannings avatar
    Sue Mannings

    I did exactly the same. After going on a Welshot Does…Venice, I quickly found that wearing (or carrying) a large (lovely) Canon camera was like having three heavy bricks round and coincidentally, the other togs all had small Olympus cameras and small camera bags. Eifion let me tryout his Olympus and different lenses so I knew all about them. Although I loved my Canon, I knew that, like Eifion, the weight and size was a real obstacle in enjoying my photography.choosing which lens(es) to take on a trip was a big deal and meant paring down my selection so as not to be too cumbersome. I had a brilliant 1:1 with Eifion with my Pen F which was invaluable. With my Olympus kit, the most I carry is the camera ( a Pen F or OMD E Mk II) and three lenses ( maximum of 4) and they all fit snugly in a small camera bag. ( I use a Tenba 8 or aTenba BYOB which goes Into any type of bag). However, I like to travel light so usually try to go out with just one Lens and my lens of choice is the 17mm. The best decision I’ve made, photographically.

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Sue
      Thank You for your story about why you switched camera systems. We are so glad that Eifion was able to help you get the best out of your Olympus camera too. Travelling with the Olympus system is another great top benefit – Thank you for reminding us. Take care and keep having fun while you take photos.

      Lee & Eifion :)

  2. Louisa Crossley avatar
    Louisa Crossley

    I found the Olympus System by chance, before I joined Welshot several years ago, and I’m lucky that, with no knowledge or experience of cameras at all, I chose a system that is perfect for me… light, durable and weather resistant for hiking, trekking and exploring the outdoors. I love it.

    I’m glad Eifion uses Olympus too because his help has been invaluable. When I joined Welshot, he helped me to learn how to use my first Olympus Camera, an OMD EM5 mark 2, and explore its capabilities further than I would have done on my own. This wasn’t just at Welshot events, he was also happy to respond to my email questions. On one occasion when I contacted him out of the blue from a music festival because my camera wasn’t working, he had a think about it and quickly got back to me with a solution so I didn’t miss photographing the event. Just fantastic! Then, when I upgraded to an EM5 mark 3, he helped me learn some of the camera’s features that were new to me, such as live composite. I love that on Welshot events, he helps me with a few pointers and suggestions then leaves me to practice, knowing that he’s not far away and is willing to help further if I have any problems.

    Now I have just ordered the new OM1, which I’m very excited about, and I’m looking forward to having my own human camera manual in the form of Eifion if I have any questions about it. It is packed with features and I have so much to learn!

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Louisa
      Thank you for your lovely words and we are so glad you have found Welshot and Eifion’s knowledge and expertise of the Olympus Camera system invaluable. The Olympus is a perfect camera for travel, and I’ve been known to carry my small PEN in my pocket lol.
      Looking forward to helping you learn all about the new OM1 – I am sure the Boss would be more than happy to wander about Llandudno with you and be your human camera manual.

      Lee& Eif

  3. Chris Hunt avatar
    Chris Hunt

    I moved away from Olympus a few years ago having previously had the E-M5 and then the E-M1.
    Now I find myself with several different cameras, some of which are very heavy and only get used in studios or when I’m not going far from the car.
    I miss the features of my Olympus and seeing the new features exclusive to them I am increasingly tempted to jump back in again.
    Until then I still love to pick up my beautiful Olympus film cameras which I cherish and to me are things of beauty.
    I’m now looking forward to a few events with Welshot where I hope to see the new Olympus cameras in action.

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hello Chris.
      Thank you for your letting us know about your Olympus experiences – Yes, I am sure you will see the new OM1 at more than a few of our events. We agree that the features exclusive to Olympus are brilliant and the Boss definitely thought the upgrade and new features were worth it.

      Lee & Eif

  4. John Bradburn avatar
    John Bradburn

    Having used various cameras over the years and enjoying most of them at that time and many of them film cameras, I decided the way foreword was to move completely to digital as and when I could afford to. I had owned mainly panasonic bridge cameras but a friend of mine was selling his Sony DSLR and I decided now was the time to move to full frame! But what a weight this system was to haul around, suffering with a back injury for most of my life I had seen the much lighter Olympus system and made the change without regret when I first joined Welshot,I find it the perfect system for me and thanks to Eifion for helping me along my Micro Four Thirds journey,he has far more patience than me when it comes to reading the manuals! Many thanks Lee and Eifion.

    1. Lee Iggulden avatar

      Hey JOhn
      Isn’t it amazing how such a seemingly small thing as a camera can have a detrimental effect on your health (not to mention your photography) and just by changing to a smaller, easier to manage and easier to use has helped in so many ways. We are so pleased to hear that you have had the help, support, guidance and tuition through Welshot as part of your Membership. Plenty more of that if you ever need it. We love seeing your photos too. Thank you for being a part of Welshot.

      Lee * Eifion

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