Lighting for Studio Portraiture- Colour Photograph of a Girl posing in the Welshot Photographic Academy Studio in Llandudno

This Lighting for studio portraiture using studio mains flash for is a practical, hands on Welshot Academy Evening for all photography enthusiasts wanting to learn how to creatively shoot portraits using flash studio lights. Learning about lighting, and how it works, is the single most important thing you can learn when it comes to your portrait photography. Rembrandt, butterfly, side and split lighting, using grids, getting creative, learning to see (and shoot) in black and white will help you to create, learn and inspire your photography. Your studio mains flash for his photography workshop will be taking place at The Bulkeley Hotel, Beaumaris, Anglesey.

Welshot Does… Downton Abbey at Christmas. Mains studio flash photography, stunning models, authentic costumes from the Cambria Costume House and some pretty cool backdrops (both studio and on location) and you’ve got yourself a great night of portraiture photography at the last Welshot Photographic Academy Evening on Anglesey for 2021. Tonight you will learn how precision, where to place the light, and how it falls on your subject can dramatically effect the look of your image.