Still-Life & Floral Photography - Welshot Creative Hub - Photo of daffodils in a white jug in front of a blue background that looks like part of an old door

Got the Winter blues? Want some colour in your life? Feel like getting creative with your camera? Then the Welshot still-life & floral photography full day event at the Welshot Creative Hub is perfect for you and your camera. Props galore, flowers of every size, shape and colour, backdrops and backgrounds by the dozen, this photographic workshop will get your creative juices flowing and have you creating and making stunning images for your photographic portfolio.

A blurred image (intentional camera movement) of a group of people socially distancing walking along the Llandudno Prom in North Wales. Taken on a Welshot Photographic Workshops and Events Day

Hashtag #WelshotIsBack seems a very apt way to title this very first blog written by Welshot Academy Members to celebrate being able to meet up with our cameras after months of lockdown… As life returns to a more relative sense of normality, Welshot are preparing to open up once again for photographic workshops and events in a slow and cautious manner. Hence the three ‘practice run-throughs’ – AKA… A Welshot Photographic Reunion. Since March 2020, when the pandemic hit, Welshot has continued to help motivate, inspire and support those who love photography during these isolating months, all brought together using hashtags #LearnWithWelshot and #WelshotOnline but nothing quite compares to being able to hold our photographic workshops and events in real life.