Editing and Post Processing for Photographers Online


Lee Iggulden



At Welshot

How can I learn Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom and Affinity online at home? That is one of the most asked questions we are asked at the Welshot Photographic Academy and that’s why we created our editing and post processing for photographers online zoom workshops and courses. Like our IRL (in real life, in person) post processing and editing workshops – these sessions are run a little bit differently to that of other courses which are available. At Welshot, we believe in interaction, inclusivity and involvement – so we always encourage our Members to take part, ask questions and learn what THEY need to learn. At these sessions, delegates submit images they’d like help, advice, guidance and support with and John works on them in real time, showing and explaining as he goes along. Our Welshot Members have really benefitted from learning like this. Here is what just two Members have had to say…

Welshot Editing and Post Processing for Photographers Online Workshops and Courses

A review of the Welshot Online sessions by Members

I’m sure we’re all familiar with at least one version of Robert Burns, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men / Gang aft a-gley” and for John Arnold, tonight’s Post Processing session must definitely count amongst them.

John, as always, had spent a lot of time prepping the photos he was going to edit in Lightroom tonight and then skilfully walked and talked us through some of those edits, giving us plenty of time to ask questions and sometimes, to ask him to repeat something which might have been new.

This particular tutorial was in response to one of Mark Powell’s questions about a very rapid Lightroom editing tutorial he had recently worked through that John’s original plan diverted into talking us through the first steps in selecting the images we import into LR – talking through and demonstrating how to flag, pick or reject, award a star-rating to and then edit and select just those images we see as keepers. He made it look so easy (and it was – I tried it afterwards) and gave us the confidence and knowledge to do this ourselves, saving us a lot of time in selecting our images instead of wading through so many more images which get in the way of our editing.

Thank you to Mark for asking the question and to John for answering it so skilfully.

As Eifion and John always say, “There’s no such thing as a daft question….Someone else will always be glad you asked….” and we certainly were.

So many positive comments were made and it was great to be able to stop and ask questions at any time.

John is always so patient and goes to a lot of trouble to make sure his sessions are not only slick, but really useful. Watching and listening to him editing the photos (which all belonged to the delegates attending) he had chosen for the session was like watching magic happen – except we didn’t need to ask, “How did you do that?” because he explained simply and clearly at every step.

It’s even more useful as the attendees have access to a recording of each session to keep so they can look back at any time. Thank you, John, for another great session and Lee, for recording and sending it to us after the session.

Sue Mannings

Creative photo showing a miniature model person playing a guitar on a tape measure.
Image taken and edited by Sue Mannings

As a result of attending these sessions, I have become a lot more confident in editing, and now use Lightroom as my preferred first step – this is what I was hoping to get to, but hadn’t managed to achieve on my own.  This has opened up a whole new aspect to photography for me, which I’m really enjoying.

During lockdown 2020, I signed up to the Welshot editing and post processing for photographers online sessions led by John Arnold because I had subscribed to Lightroom and Photoshop but was still not using these tools as my ‘go to’ editing program, instead using a very basic option.  In each session, John uses images submitted by those attending the session and edits them – using the attendees suggestions where given.

It is absolutely fascinating watching John work on images – luckily sessions are recorded and all those attending are sent this so that it’s possible to watch again what John has done (several times if necessary!) even though he does give very clear instructions on what he’s doing.  One of the most interesting things I found was the use of filters – this creates changes that affect a wider area more quickly than using the adjustment brush which I was using as my method of editing most of the time.

Sarah Rushton

Letterbox photos of a girls eyes with dramatic makeup this image was created as part of a Welshot Editing and Post Processing for Photographers Online course
Image taken and edited by Sarah Rushton

If you would like to learn how to get the best from your Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom or Affinity editing tools then check out our post processing for photographers online zoom workshops and courses (or email Lee on lee@welshotimaging.co.uk – the online Zoom sessions with John Arnold are held on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the Month – 7.00pm to 8.00pm) – We even have a Welshot Online Membership which gives you 20% discount on all our online zoom sessions.

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